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Your gut is unique. 

Studies are discovering just how important the role of the digestive tract is in human health, from our mental wellbeing to the health of our skin.  When your gut goes out of kilter, you can too.

Good gut health can help you sleep better, improve your mood, improve your immunity, balance your hormones and can help reduce the risk of developing conditions like diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and arthritis.

But your gut health can become unbalanced for all sorts of reasons, including poor diet, stress, infections, medications, lack of sleep and toxins in our everyday environment.

Rebalancing and improving your gut health is at the very core of my practice, and by specialising in issues such as IBS and SIBO, I help you overcome gut symptoms. 



Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a widely underdiagnosed condition. Some studies indicate that up to 78% of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have SIBO.  

Typical SIBO symptoms can include all the classic IBS symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, reflux, belching, constipation and/or diarrhoea, flatulence, nausea, fatty or pale, greasy stools, and many extraintestinal symptoms such as histamine issues, itchy skin, brain fog, inflammation, fatigue.  

Weight gain or weight loss is common due to poor nutrient deficiency because the small intestine is the primary site of digestion and absorption, and SIBO can disrupt the normal functioning of the small intestine. Vitamins and minerals such as B12, zinc and iron can be found to be low in people with SIBO.  

Other related conditions that are found to have a strong correlation with SIBO are fibromyalgia, non-alcoholic liver disease, some autoimmune conditions, hypothyroidism, Rosacea, mycotoxins (mould toxicity) and impaired oral health such as Periodontitis.



Inflammation is increasingly recognised as a factor in chronic illness. 

Chronic inflammation can cause joint pain, fatigue, and brain fog can, over time, can lead to severe conditions such as arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer.

What’s more, after years of living in an inflammatory state, we can begin to experience inflammaging, which can bring about sensory decline, even more aches and pains and a higher chance of experiencing chronic disease in old age. 

But the good news is that while the triggers for inflammation are widespread, I can help develop a personalised diet and supplement plan for you that can improve your symptoms and reduce inflammation in your body.

Please click here to find out how we can work together to identify the root cause of your inflammation and develop a holistic nutritional therapy plan to relieve your symptoms.



Mould toxicity is a shockingly under-recognised cause of many chronic illnesses, including fatigue, brain fog, poor immunity and respiratory infections. Although the research is ongoing we do know that exposure to mould isn’t good for your health.

Mycotoxins in your environment appear to affect almost all systems in the body and can cause unexplained anxiety, hormonal and metabolic issues, muscle aches, headaches, migraines and chemical sensitivities. 

Once the bio-toxins from the spores enter your system, they impact your nerves, skin, liver, gut and kidneys and can profoundly weaken your immune system. 

I’m passionate about working with clients who suspect they may be suffering from mould toxicity and I can help you determine if mould is likely to be responsible for your symptoms.



Testing can be used to uncover the functional imbalances that may be occurring within your body and contributing to symptoms. I believe it's the best way to get to the root of the problem and to determine the most suitable course of action for achieving your health goals

I use a wide variety of non-invasive functional testing for digestion and gut function, hormone profiles, nutritional and toxin status and mould toxicity. Once we have a handle on what’s going on, I'll develop a personally targeted nutritional plan to help you address your issues.

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