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Initial Consultation - £130

Prior to our first meeting, you’ll fill in a 3-day food diary and an in-depth health questionnaire. Your initial appointment usually lasts around 1-1.5 hours. It will involve a detailed discussion of your health history, diet, and environmental and lifestyle factors to understand your symptoms and possible triggers. Where appropriate diagnostic testing may be suggested and discussed.

This is where I get to know you, your story, and your primary health concerns and goals. 

What happens next?

You will receive a detailed personalised health assessment plan which includes nutritional advice as well as supplement and laboratory testing recommendations (if necessary), so that you know what steps to take moving forward. *Please note the cost of tests and supplements are not included in the consultation fee.

Follow Up appointments £70

These appointments will be arranged 4-6 weeks after your initial appointment and are an opportunity to discuss any test results that have been received and to assess how you are doing following your current recommendations. I will also make any necessary adjustments to your plan and implement new recommendations to keep you on track and progressing towards your goals. 

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